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  • ACRP Secretary-General

Everyone is equally precious / いのちは皆、等しく尊い

SG’s inauguration message


I am Nobuhiro Masahiro Nemoto and has succeeded the office of the secretary general of Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACPR)/ Religions for Peace Asia (RfP Asia) from Rev. Yoshitaka Hatakeyama, at the Executive Committee meeting held at Beijing in May this year. The SG is a very responsible post and has an important role. I will devote myself to fulfill my duty with your continuous support and guidance.

As you know, the ACRP’s first assembly was held in Singapore in 1976. During the meeting, the leaders heard the breaking news of Indochinese refugees drifting off the coast of Singapore for a long time without food and drink. They immediately took a courageous action to rescue refugees. As a result, the neighboring countries opened their gates for receiving boat people. ACRP took its first step with a very concrete action as well as dialogue. I shall never forget the founding spirit of ACRP and will advance from now onward. ACRP’s vision for us all members is treasure, wisdom, courage, and driving force of actions gifted from our pioneers.

Today, we face many challenges of direct violence such as conflict and terrorism, structural violence such as poverty, environmental deterioration, discrimination, disparity and other forms of human right violation, etc. Most of these are caused by mutual misunderstanding and distrust existing among peoples and nations.

So, how can we humankind overcome these misunderstandings and distrusts? When people with different faiths, ethnicity, languages, and cultures open their minds and hearts, have dialogues with mutual respect and act together as members of the global family, we humankind could produce a driving force for overcoming such misunderstandings and distrusts, I believe.

We share a firm common faith. Namely, we are the children, brothers, and sisters of Buddha and God. I believe that if we follow this belief and thought, we will be able to nurture and foster mutual trust and understanding among ourselves.   Is this faith not the light and hope that leads humanity to establish a global coexistent society?

My perspective of ACRP is “a sincere dialogue with open-mind, a dynamic movement for people in need in the world.”

My thought on the mission of ACRP is “religious contribution to realizing a peaceful, just and equal society without exception.”

I believe that religious beliefs of “every life is equally precious” plays a crucial role in realizing the mission and vision of ACRP through overcoming differences and boundaries.

The World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP)/ Religions for Peace (RfP) is a role model of religion and religious people pursuing concrete actions for the happiness of all and peace in the world. ACRP aims at promoting inter-religious dialogue and cooperation. I would sincerely like to ask you all for the continuous advice and guidance.

With my deepest gratitude to you all for your understanding and cooperation,

Peace in the Dharma.


本年5月に北京で開催されたアジア宗教者平和会議(ACRP/RfP Asia)執行理事会において前任の畠山義隆師から事務総長の重責を引き継ぎました根本信博と申します。微力ではございますが前任者並びに皆さまのご教導を頂きながら職務に精進して参ります。








世界宗教者平和会議(World Conference of Religions for Peace/ Religions for Peace)はまさしく行動する宗教・宗教者のモデルです。ACRPはその良きモデルを模範としながら行動する宗教対話・協力運動を目指します。皆さまのご教導を心からお願い申し上げ、私の事務総長就任の挨拶とさせて頂きます。




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