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  • ACRP Secretary-General

Genuine persistence / 真のこだわり

The word of persistence may include a negative nuance, such as stubbornness, obsessiveness, attachment, etc.


However, persistence often plays a vital role, I think. For example, one can easily give up something without being persistent.


One of my acquaintance told me that she has peculiar tastes of making power points for presentations or brochures and that people around her might regard her as such.


I was astonished and touched to see her new product of pamphlet by using PW skills. It is so concise, accurate and visualizes the most crucial messages, thoughts, data, and information on our movement ACRP. I really wanted to share this hand-made pamphlet as soon as possilble, and asked her to make an english version.

彼女がパワポのスキルを使って作り上げたパンフレットを見て、私は心から驚き、感動したのです。とてもまとまっていて正確で、ACRP にとって最も大切なメッセージ、思想、データ、情報を網羅してビジュアル化しているのです。私はすぐにこのパンフレットを多くの人と分かち合いたくなり、英語バージョンも作って欲しいとお願いしました。

She produced it while I was away from the office for my overseas mission. Usually, it would take a long time to start with researching, compiling, editing, designing and finish with producing, I think.


It seems the outcome of her hard works in the past years with her genuine persistence for PW production.


While I was watching her product, I became aware that genuine persistence would make a real leader or expert in the field which one devotes to.


Devoting oneself to something without never compromise may be a way to manifest one’s true brilliance in one’s life.


Am I, and are you living our lives with genuine persistence to something? Today, I could ask myself this question.




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