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  • ACRP Secretary-General

Public Interest / 公益


I want to focus on public interest regarding two community theories.

The first theory is a horizontal community. That means a contemporary society where the present generation lives.

In this horizontal community, public interest includes individual interest, social, ethnic, national, regional, humankind and global interest. Generally speaking, whenever we refer to the public interest, we tend to think that the most important public interest is a national or ethnic interest. However, according to the theory of a horizontal community, national or ethnic interest is merely a part of holistic public interest.

One of the severe issues we humankind are now facing with is conflict or war among nations and ethnicities. For example, when the concept of national interest is isolated from other interests with the lack of recognition that country is a part of the global and horizontal community, it may cause friction or conflict between nations. Whereas national interest is opened to and related to other benefits with the recognition that it is a part of the global and horizontal community, it will become a significant national interest, I think.

There seems no complete closed national interest nor complete opened national interest. However, if we seek too restricted national interest, it becomes closed nationalism. Instead, we should explore open nationalism which may lead further to humankind’s interest and global interest. Public interest should cover from individual to global interest, I believe.

Second is a theory of vertical community, namely past-present-future communities. Public interest should include interests for past generations, present generations, and future/coming generations. Particularly, we, the current generation should always bear in mind the risks and benefits for future generations. Whatever we make, we have to think about the possibility of risk and benefit which may be left over to coming generations. It is the public interest based on the theory of the vertical community.

We, ACRP members have been and are considering public interest from the viewpoint of the theory of two communities.

Food security, energy security, ecological security, diversified cultural security including religious freedom etc. have to be sought not only for the present generation, but for the future generations. It is also a sacred mission for ACRP entrusted with by God and Buddha, I am convinced.










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