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  • ACRP Secretary-General

True feelings and dialogue / 本心と対話

To express one’s real feeling is sometimes not so easy, especially to someone who is in a higher position. It may be so particularly in case of the negative emotions. Why is it so? I think everyone is afraid of losing one’s job or being demoted.


However, if one loves someone genuinely, and doesn’t want to make that person a naked power holder who doesn’t know he or she has all powers but naked, one can and must say true feelings to that person, I believe.


As there is no guarantee of always getting a successful result, we need courage to be a teller of real feelings.


It is crucial and indispensable for a genuine dialogue to exchange each other the true feelings and thoughts based upon mutual trust and compassion. If only we exchange real feelings, it may end up with dispute or separation.

事実、真の対話には相互信頼と愛に基づいた本心の語り合いが欠かせないのです。 ただの本音の語り合いであれば、それは言い争いや別離に終わるかもしれません。

It also seems true that we need to encounter, talk and interact with each other with generous heart and respect to build friendship and trust.


In my experience in the field of interreligious dialogue, I think the first effort is to meet and talk with people in the spirit of respect and generosity, then to be followed by the sharing of true feelings and thoughts, which are based upon the mutual trust and love, for the process of building up an ideal relationship . It could apply to all levels of communications between individuals as well as among a collective mass of people.


In a word, talks or conversations being full of generous words and compassion is the first and most crucial step toward the convivial society.




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