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  • ACRP Secretary-General

Turning point in life / 人生の転機


Everyone has several turning points in life. In my case, I have some. One of the most significant turning points is my first visit to the African continent in November 1984.


I attended the joint investigation team of the government ministries in the continent in those days. We visited the counties from south via east to west in the continent.


Something happened to me during the three weeks of this visit. It was an extraordinary and somehow shocking experience for me, particularly in Ethiopia. I saw many starving children and corpses. I lost my words.


Something never acceptable was taking place on the earth we live in the same era.  I couldn’t believe the reality I saw over there.  Then, I genuinely felt it could no longer be allowed to continue in the future. I was 29 years old.


It was for me a real turning point in my life.  I was rather indifferent to the critical world issues such as victims by natural and human-made disasters, poverty, starvation, human-right violation, discrimination, etc..  I was not aware of the reality of the world, and no particular concerns about the African continent.  A kind of new awareness arose deeply in me.


Since the experience in the African continent, my concerns for the third world immediately began to grow and soon started to work on the fields such as refugee assistance and other humanitarian assistance.  I have been using my life almost for humanitarian aid in the fields for the last 35 years.


If I didn’t get a chance to visit Africa 35 years ago, my life might have been a different one from what I live now.  I firmly believe it was an arrangement by Buddha’s wisdom and compassion, and genuinely appreciate the guidance of Buddha.




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