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  • ACRP Secretary-General

Undonditional Sharing / 惜しみない分かち合い


All religions encourage us to share whatever we have, such as money, asset, knowledge, wisdom, compassion, experience, and so on.  Sharing joy multiplies joy, and sharing sorrow mitigates sorrow.


However, we human beings tend to monopoly what we want to possess and have, namely, material property, financial asset, honor, privilege, social position and title, etc.  Such an attitude arises from the self-centered or selfish pursuit of one’s own desire or greed.


In this sense, religiousity or spirituality plays a vital role in controlling one’s greed because religiousity or spirituality is deeply rooted in the opposite values of selfish desire or greed,  such as non-discriminative love and compassion, equity, genuine sharing, selflessness, etc.


The highest hurdle in practicing such a generous sharing seems to exist in the spare space between theory and implementation.  How can we put our theoretical understanding into practice in our daily living?  How can people of faith and religion realize the ideals shown to us by God and Buddha in this world?  What do we need to do it?


I think courage, seriousness, passion, eagerness, resolution are the least required conditions to live on unlimited sharing.  Unconditional sharing seems almost impossible, though. However, if I at least challenge to do it from myself even in the smallest way, I might be able to change a small corner of the world, so I say to myslef.


Although I may be criticized as being too optimistic, I opt for this way of living as I don’t want to waste my precious life by being too pessimistic, and taking no action.




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