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  • ACRP Secretary-General

We should not be indifferent / 無関心ではいられない


Mother Teresa left a very famous phrase that the antonym of love is not hatred, but indifference. I encountered with this phrase at my age of mid. The 20s. Was it late or early? I don’t know. However, I was very shocked when I first met with this message. I used to think the opposite word of love is hatred. Mother Teresa said hatred still holds concerns for the object. She continued that the indifference doesn’t have any concerns about the purpose.

Immanuel Kant points out that there are two kinds of duty. One is a full duty and second is an incomplete duty. The former is duty directly related to the person so that the person cannot escape from fulfilling it, whereas the person can be easily indifferent or ignore in performing the indirect duty. Kant called the latter attitude as non-performance of incomplete duty. I think this is equal to indifference.

I realized I have been doing so many non-performance of incomplete duty, namely been so often indifferent to many things or issues, such as refugee, homeless, alone dying, hunger, poverty, etc. My shock arose in myself by realizing my way of living before knowing Mother Teresa’s words.

If we are to follow the founders of our religions, love and compassion are requisite in our daily lives. If we try to hold love and compassion in our daily living, we should not be indifferent to anyone or any issue. It is a sort of my conclusion lead by Teresa’s message.

I was indifferent to or not concerned enough about people in need who are far away from my daily living, sufferers from hunger and poverty in the Horn of Africa, Afghan refugees in neighboring countries, many children and women who are victimized by human trafficking, and homeless people in Tokyo Japan, etc.

ACRP doesn’t wait but reaches out to people, with the spirit of love and compassion in a real sense of welcoming others. We should no longer be indifferent to people and problems.

So many people are waiting for us, even today. Let us fulfill not only our complete duties but also our incomplete duties with love and compassion, with the slogan of “Let’s start with whatever we can around ourselves”.










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